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Balancing motherhood and self-care: Easy tips to be in a steady state

Balancing motherhood and self-care: Easy tips to be in a steady state


Motherhood is actually you being reborn and in many ways, starting your life anew. In this gifted facet of life, you are going to know a whole new person which is of course your baby alongside witnessing the becoming of you as a mother. No doubt the journey you are on is going to be extremely beautiful but there’s also a downside to it. Being a mom can be quite demanding and trying at times too. 

In the face of attempting to care for your baby and then the rest of the family, there are high chances of you deprioritizing yourself. While it is normal and comes naturally to you, forgetting yourself in the pursuit of your baby’s well-being will benefit no one. 

Why is self-care important in the journey of motherhood?

To offer your baby with best you can, you need to first take care of yourself in every manner. Let me make it easier for you. Imagine you're on a long-haul flight, settled in for the journey ahead. Suddenly, the plane faces turbulence, and the oxygen masks drop from the ceiling. The flight attendant's voice comes over the intercom, asking passengers to secure their own masks before assisting others.

You think that is selfish? It is so not true! We understand your concern for other passengers like kids and elderly people who cannot help themselves, but think for a minute; would you be able to help others if you were unconscious yourself due to lack of oxygen?

Assuming the answer is no. So, the idea is not to think less for others, but to think for yourself first. 

In this blog, we are going to take you on a ride where you are going to find some doable tips for your daily life to keep a balance between wanting to give the best of both worlds to your baby and taking care of yourself too. Let’s find out some of the tips:

Practical tips to find the right balance between motherhood and self-care

Keep your expectations real

Know that you can’t do it all. Maybe a lot, but not all. Learn to ask for help if it’s unnatural for you. Your helper can be your partner, your close-by family or anyone in the neighbourhood. Sounds like a small step but willingly taking help strengthens you in ways you didn’t think.

Include ‘Me’ time in your routine

Make room for activities you enjoy in your daily routine even if it’s for just 15 minutes. Indulge in reading your favourite book, go for a walk, listen to music, or just dance to your heart’s joy. This will rejuvenate you and make you all the more energetic and interested in the routine tasks. And don’t worry, there will be someone to watch your baby for all this while.

Not being perfect is okay

You may find your house in a mess sometimes and we do understand the urge to clean it right away. However, sometimes the dishes and laundry can wait! Put aside the impulse of making everything perfect all the time. Often, this need can leave you drained and agitated as it consumes all your energy. Now what will you offer your baby? Your child needs your love & calm the most. Give them that.

Get good sleep & nutrition

Tending well to your physical health is essential. Make sure you are getting enough sleep and having balanced meals. Do not think of skipping meals as it can make you weak and that’d be the last thing you’d want when things are already challenging. We know that sleeping for a good eight hours is almost impossible with a baby, but try stealing a couple of minutes when your baby is less demanding or when they are having playtime with other family members.

At Momsever, we truly care about how comfortable you need to feel every day and do our best to pamper you with the best maternity wear to give you the tenderness you want. We curate pregnancy and post-pregnancy outfits made with the softest fabrics with the ease of feeding that give you the support and care you seek during and after your pregnancy. So, while you take care of the piece of your heart, there is no harm in feeling easy and relaxed in our super cozy maternity wear when you go about your day.

Connect with other moms

Today, you have access to a world beyond your physical reach. Search for online groups and communities on social media platforms to find people like you. There you can share your struggles, moments of joy and what you are looking forward to. Since they are also going through a similar phase in life, bonding with them gets easier and lasting.

Gratitude is the best attitude

More often than not, you could be finding yourself complaining about the things that are going wrong in your life, while we validate your feelings completely; it is also important to take a few moments out every day and think of what is right and what is going good. You are sure to find a lot of it and once you do, be grateful for it. Expressing mindful gratitude can help you in unimaginable ways. It strengthens your mental health and gives you a state of peace. So the next time you hear yourself feeling bad about what you didn’t do well, pat your shoulder for what you accomplished before.

Your takeaway 

So, to all you new mamas out there, remember that prioritizing yourself isn’t selfish at all, rather, it’s a service to your soul. It empowers you from within and helps you gain a fresh perspective on life. Motherhood is a flavourful journey and you ought to taste each flavour it has to offer. Don’t forget to incorporate these easy tips in your everyday life to strike the correct balance fulfilling a loving mom’s duties and showing some self love & self care.

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